Best developer experience for
starting Spring Boot apps ‐
best practices included
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Jumpstart your development
1. Project and database settings
Select how you work - use Java or Kotlin, pick Thymeleaf, Angular or React for your frontend, enable Swagger UI and much more. All major databases are supported - including MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB and embedded databases.
2. Define your database schema
Create your entities and relations in minutes - with type selection, field names and constraints. Add a REST API or frontend with basic CRUD operations if needed. Import an existing schema for even quicker results.
3. Explore and download your code
When you and your team are happy with the result, download your runnable prototype. Get the basics ready with ease and focus on business logic instead.
Why Bootify?
Save tons of time
Get your application setup with frontend and REST API - in minutes instead of days.
Follow best practices
Spring Data with Hibernate, Thymeleaf, Angular or React, Spring Security, Testcontainers, ...
Keep code minimalistic
Pure Spring Boot - no extra magic layers. Only generate the code you really need.
Stronger Spring Initializr
Choose powerful features and get so much more than with the Initializr.
Make updates with ease
Get the changes for updating your project to the current versions directly in your Git repository.
Put DevOps in focus
Customize the generated code. Ensure your corporate standards.
Deliver great results in less time