Last updated: 2025-01-24

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  2. Spring Boot
  3. Generate Boilerplate

Generate Boilerplate for Spring Boot

Good boilerplate code helps to provide typically required functionality, follow latest standards and focus on the actual business logic. With Bootify you can get the individual boilerplate for your next Spring Boot app directly in the browser - no registration required.

In the Free plan, the following features can be added to the project. All parts are optional, so the generated app contains only the dependencies and code that is actually needed.

  • Select preferences like Maven or Gradle, Java or Kotlin, activate Lombok, and so on
  • Create your individual database schema with tables and their relations among each other
  • Choose a frontend with Thymeleaf or Angular, Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS
  • Enable CRUD functions for the REST API or the frontend
  • More options like Swagger UI, application.yml or selection, and so on

Configuration of your individual boilerplate

Configuration of your individual boilerplate

The generated code can be reviewed in the browser at any time. After completing the configuration, the executable application is available for download.

Reviewing the generated code

Reviewing the generated code

In the Professional plan advanced features are available: generate Flyway or Liquibase changelogs for your defined database schema. Add Spring Security to the boilerplate - form-based for a Thymeleaf frontend, JWT for protecting the REST API or an OAuth integration of Keycloak. When the option for integration tests is enabled, Testcontainers is configured for the application and test cases are added for your REST API.

The latest stable version of Spring Boot is always used (currently 3.4.2) - start your next project with a solid foundation and best practices included. Bootify is a tool for creating Spring Boot boilerplates, saving days or weeks of development time and providing a high-quality code base.

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