Last updated: 2024-03-15

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  3. Professional Plan

Quickstart (Professional plan)

In Bootify's Professional plan advanced options are available, to add more features and save more time creating the initial version of your project.

Spring Security

Add Spring Security into your project, protecting your REST API with JWT or Keycloak resource server, or your Thymeleaf frontend with form-based login or Keycloak via OAuth. Select a table from your custom schema to specify where the users are persisted. Add a registration method if required. Read more

Pagination, sorting and search filter

Enable pagination and sorting for your CRUD entities to improve working with large datasets in the frontend and/or REST API. Add a simple search filter to narrow the result in the list view.

Tests with Testcontainers

Add integration tests for all REST controllers (CRUD and custom) to your project. Using @SpringBootTest, the entire application context is started with the relational database running in a Docker container. This allows to test the application in a production-like environment.

Multi-module project setup

Larger applications are often divided into modules to separate concerns. With the multi-module option selected, the project is divided into two modules "base" and "web" together with the proper Maven / Gradle setup. Add custom modules in between.

Flyway / Liquibase / Mongock

Flyway or Liquibase can be selected for schema generation. The SQL script/changelog along with the setup is generated according to the entities in your project. More naming strategies, table prefix and suffix are available as well. For MongoDB, a Mongock changelog with a basic JSON schema can be added.

Custom controllers

In the Controllers tab, custom REST and frontend controllers can be created. Complex request / response objects can be defined in the Data Objects tab (e.g. "AddTodoRequest") for the REST API, or selected as custom forms for the frontend. The API of the new project can thus be specified and reviewed by the team and is directly available in the new code base.

Advanced customization options

Enable Actuator for your project and select the endpoints you want to expose. With the option for HATEOAS the endpoints return the proper RepresentationModel including the links. Activate MapStruct to provide the necessary setup and use it for mappings in the generated CRUD services. Split the services into an interface and an implementing class - if desired. Read more

The Professional plan saves days or weeks of development time by adding advanced features to your runnable application. Quickly bootstrap a high-quality project base - and start implementing the business logic right away.

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