Last updated: 2024-09-17
Rapid application development with the Spring Roo alternative
Spring Roo is a library for rapid application development based on Spring Boot. Unfortunately, further development of Spring Roo was discontinued in 2017. With Bootify a strong alternative is available to initialize pure Spring Boot applications within minutes.
Similarities and advantages
Like Spring Roo, Bootify is based on dedicated principles to make life easier for developers.
- Generate custom prototypes including best practices
Bootify generates Spring Boot prototypes based on best practices. In addition, numerous developer preferences are available for your project: select between Java and Kotlin, enable Lombok, use Gradle or Maven, and much more.

Choice of database and developer preferences
- Save days or weeks of development effort
With Bootify a new application can be configured in the browser without prior registration. The runnable application is directly available for download - without time-consuming setup or troubleshooting. CRUD operations of your entities can be enabled for the REST API or the frontend.
- Obtain minimalistic code
Bootify adds only the code to your application that is actually needed for the selected options. For example, the frontend libraries are not included until a frontend stack has been added. The datepicker is only included if at least one form field has a date field, and so on.
With the automatic Git integration in the Professional plan, Bootify also supports the maintenance of Spring Boot applications. Still the generated apps do not have any vendor lock-in - the source code is pure Spring Boot and can be freely customized and extended after the download.
When is Bootify a good starting point for a new Spring Boot app?
Since Spring Roo is only available in an outdated version, it is generally not recommended to use it for new projects. There are several ways to start Spring Boot projects - Bootify offers strong advantages for all kinds of database and full-stack applications. Using Bootify, prototypes can be created within minutes and support further development with a solid foundation and best practices.
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