Last updated: 2025-01-24

  1. Learn
  2. Code Generation
  3. Demo Application

Creating a Spring Boot demo application

Bootify is a tool to create your personalized demo based on Spring Boot. The generated application corresponds exactly to your chosen preferences and can be created with a modern frontend based on Angular or Thymeleaf.

All the steps described below can be completed in the browser without registration and are fully included in the Free plan. Additional features such as Spring Security can be activated in the Professional plan.

First, we start our own project with start project. In the General tab we can directly set the build tool, an optional frontend stack and many other preferences.

Configuring general settings for our demo app

Configuring general settings for our demo app

For an initial demo, for example, an in-memory database could be selected so that there is no external dependency. With the option for Docker compose, we could alternatively select a relational database that is directly integrated via Docker when the application is started.

We can then create any database schema in the Entities tab. For each entity, a CRUD option is available for the REST API or for the frontend. The created schema is displayed as a UML preview in the browser.

Once we have created our tables, we can view the source code of our final application directly in the browser.

CRUD controller for our product table

CRUD controller for our product table

When we are satisfied with the result, we can download the application as a ZIP file. Each application comes with its own, which describes how to start the app and the steps for further development. In just a few moments, we have created a modern demo application based on Spring Boot and can extend and customize it as we wish.

Start Project
No registration required